by Ginger Wiseman | Mar 2, 2014 | Interview, Outlander, Podcast, Read-along
In this episode, we discuss recent announcements, and are thrilled to feature Marly Bird, who chats with us about her life and her fascinating journey to podcaster, designer, and author. We continue our read-along with Chapter 22: “Reckonings,” one of the most...
by Ginger Wiseman | Feb 24, 2014 | Outlander, Podcast, Read-along
In this episode, we discuss recent announcements in the world of ‘Outlander,' including another Q&A with Maril Davis, Co-executive Producer, and some other wonderful things that Starz has shared over the past week. We also continue our read-along with Chapter...
by Ginger Wiseman | Feb 17, 2014 | Interview, Outlander, Podcast, Read-along
In this episode, we discuss recent announcements, which led to, let’s say, interesting conversation. (Summer gives Starz some suggestions for a Pocket Jamie #reboot.) We chat with guest Dave Weinczok about his work with National Trust for Scotland, The Books, and...
by Ginger Wiseman | Feb 9, 2014 | Outlander, Podcast, Read-along
In this episode, we discuss the week of #HerselfOnSet and all the pictures and detailed description (AKA “goodies”) given to us by Herself, Starz, and others. We also continue with our read-along with chapters 19 (“The Waterhorse”) and 20 (“Deserted...
by Ginger Wiseman | Feb 2, 2014 | Outlander, Podcast, Read-along
In this episode, we discuss the many photos fans were given this week, as well as Diana Gabaldon's takeover of the @outlander_starz Instagram account during her trip to Scotland. Our read-along continues with Chapter 18: “Raiders in the Rocks.” Yes, the...
by Ginger Wiseman | Jan 25, 2014 | Interview, Podcast
In this episode, we discuss recent announcements, and welcome native Scot, Arlen Donald (@dreadgerbil), who joins us to discuss his experience learning Gàidhlig, as well as to discuss the Bard, himself, Robert Burns. We also again include Eilidh Grant singing Burns'...