In this episode, we discuss our time at this year’s San Diego Comic Con and All Things Outlander, including our surprise interview with Bear McCreary and our participation in the Outlander roundtable.
Source: Krakower Polling PR
Transcriptions to roundtable interviews provided by Outlander TV News. (Our questions are included below.)
1. Your character begins Season 2 in a very different place than he begins Season 1. What were the benefits and/or challenges of this?
2. How do you play a damaged character without playing a victim?
1. Claire had a relatively unstructured upbringing. How does she handle the etiquette and restrictions of the French court/society?
1. As we wait for Brianna and Roger to be cast, what are some of their characteristics, from the novels, that you look forward to seeing adapted [translated] to screen?
2. Have you had to change the way you interact with fans with the growth of social media?
1. With so much of Jacobite history being intertwined with religion, was it a conscious decision to downplay Jamie's faith versus Claire's nominal Catholicism and the deep devotion of the Scottish people?
2. The two halves of Season 1 were different in tone: the key art reflected the lighter, more glowing blue of the first half, while the second half was much darker. Have you settled upon the look/tone for Season 2?